Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Willy Bang – Hi Hi + She Bahd

Knighthouse recording artiste, Willy Bang, steps out with TWO smashing new singles, “Hi Hi” and “She Bahd“! Back in April, we posted “ABC“, a song he did with Dammy Krane. However, on these two songs, Willy Bang shows he can be a hitmaker all by himself.
After listening to “Hi Hi“, you’ll get that “Hola @ Ur Boi” feeling; that thing inside you that screams “this is a hit!” Fear not; It’s the “DJ Klem Effect” you’re experiencing. “She Bahd” is also a very appealing commercial tune. I wouldn’t put it past Willy Bang and Knighthouse to score major hits with these two songs. I love both!

Hi Hi

She bahd


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