Saturday, 25 February 2012

Samsung partner with fellica for japanese Nfc, 2012 olympics mobile payment app with visa cards.

Across the globe today, Samsung is bringing a number of pushes to broaden NFC adoption. On the island of Japan, the company's signed a partnership with FeliCa Networks to implement its NFC-Secure Application Module chips in its mobile devices.
Notably, the solution is ensures compatibility between Japan's long established Osaifu-Keitai contactless payment services and the newer breed of NFC Types A and B which normally don't play nice together.
The chips are touted has having "advanced security" to keep your funds in check, and are expect to hit "commercial deployment" set for 2013. Flying over to London, Samsung and Visa have unveiled the official NFC payment app for the 2012 Olympics, in their continued preparation for the big event. Despite the unveil, the application will officially debut for display at Mobile World Congress next week.
This comes nearly ten months after the duo announced their plans to further establish NFC-based payment options for London and the event itself.


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